Guide to Earning CEUs

American Sign Language Interpreters certified by RID (Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf) are required to earn 8.0 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) for every 5 year cycle.

Independent Study

Independent Study is a great way to create your own educational learning plan or you can sign up for the ones we have created for you in our CEU Store. An Independent Study project must be agreed upon and approved prior to the starting of the project. You can create a plan to study any topic you would like! Depending on the topic the Independent Study can count as Professional Studies or General Studies CEUs. See more details below. *Cannot be done retro-active, must have approved by a sponsor prior beginning the Independent Study.

Our recommendation: Sign-up for our Independent Study Projects in our CEU store or create your own. You can even earn CEUs for developing curriculum or actively mentoring.


Participant-initiated non-RID Activity (PINRA) is the perfect option to earn CEUs while attending community workshops, ASL performances, or events that are not already offering CEUs as an RID sponsored event. In order to request these types of CEUs 1) Contact us for the PINRA Application in order to verify your event does qualify for CEUs. 2) Submit payment. 3) Provide proof of attendance. *Cannot be applied retroactive. Must have received approval prior to attendance. 

Our recommendation: Check out our Upcoming Events Page! Also, follow your local Deaf events calendar as you can earn CEUs for all Deaf panels, lectures, film festivals, performances, an d theater. Do not forgot to check your local library, museum, and colleges for educational lectures and cultural events.

Academic Coursework

College courses can count towards CEUs if they are taken for credit at a college recognized by CHEA (Council for Higher Education Accreditation). Successful completion is defined as receiving a minimum letter grade of “C” (2.0) or above. If a course is being audited or taken through the a continuing education program they must be applied for beforehand by using PINRA. *Can be done retro-active, as long as it is done and completed within the cycle the courses were taken.

Our recommendation: If you have taken a college course send us your transcript! If you are thinking about taking a course contact us to find out if it will count as Professional or General Studies.

RID Sponsored Workshops

Attending an RID Sponsored Workshop is an easy way to earn CEUs. Upon attending RID Workshop you simply need to sign in with your name and RID member number and the CEUs earned will be reported on your member account.

Are you hosting a workshop and would like to provide RID CEUs to your attendees? If so, contact us with a recommended 45 days notice to complete your application for approval. *Workshops wanting to provide CEUs must submit application in advance. 45 days notice is recommended.

Learn More About Hosting A Workshop

Professional Studies

All areas of study that directly apply or affect the field of interpreting. Examples of Professional Studies topics include: studies of language, culture, human behavior and specialized areas. Specialized ares of study include: medical, legal, education, tech, ethics, rehabilitation, and performance.

A minimum of six (6) of the eight (8) required CEUs will be counted toward certification maintenance.

General Studies

Include topics that enhance the interpreter/transliterator’s base of general or world knowledge. The study must still be a legitimate educational program with clearly defined educational goals and measurable objectives.

There are no minimum requirements for CEUs in this category, however, only two (2) of the eight (8) required CEUs will be counted toward certification maintenance.

Power, Privilege, and Oppression

*Starting in 2019, All new and renewing RID certification cycles are required to earn 1.0, 10 contact hours, within the specialty of Power, Privilege, Oppression.

You can sign up for our PPO CEU offerings or contact us to create your own. Topics include: Challenging injustice, respecting and valuing diversity, Protection of equal access, Social Justice/Liberation studies, Cultural competence, and Identity.

Calculating CEU Hours

The ratio for contact hours vs CEUs is 1:0.1. A contact hour is considered an hour of direct learning. Therefore, 1 workshop hour = 1 CEU hour = 0.1 CEUs. When calculating CEUs for an independent study project please note the following:

Reading is a 2:1 ratio, therefore 1 hour reading = .5 CEU hour = 0.05 CEUs. Writing is a 3:1 ratio, therefore 3 hours of writing = 1 CEU hour = 0.1 CEUs. Academic credit hours count as a 1:1.5 CEU ratio for semester credits and 1:1 CEU ratio for quarter systems.

Unlock Opportunities, Empower Lives.

Join our team of interpreters and earn CEUs while on the job, access mentoring for skill enhancement, undergo convenient testing and screening, and enjoy in-person and remote opportunities.

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